The Creature of Lake Memphremagog
Everywhere around the world, sea monsters have been reported, one of the most famous comes from the Loch Ness and is call Nessie. Others have been reported in Russia, China, Australia, United Kingdom and even Africa! One of the most complete list of reported of lake monsters can be found on Wikipedia. Most reports of sea monster have been about an ancient surviving plesiosaur, just a few others as a snapping turtle, a dragon or a reptilian humanoid!
In the case of the lake Memphremagog, a few sightings have been reported as a seahorse or a crocodile but most of them describes it as a sea serpent and whether you believe it is real or not, there has been about 223 reported case by 465 witness as of 2001 and the first official case dates as far back as 1816. But even in the First Nations’ legends, some are about a mysterious creature in the lake! The name given to this creature is Memphré, the sea creature of Lake Memphremagog. It makes many people talk and those who have sighted it say they will never forget that moment!
Still images of the creature have been taken on August 12, 1997 by Patricia de Broin near the island “Les Trois Soeurs”
The website is the official website of Memphré, a lot of information can be found on it. It is also called “The International Dracontology Society of Lake Memphremagog”. The website and the word dracontology was created by Jacques Boisvert (1933-2006) who also made as much as 7,000 dives into the lake to find the sea monster. The word dracontology can be divided in two greek words, first Drakon which means dragon or wondrous beast and Logia which means study. It is the scientific study of unidentified lake dwelling creatures. The word has been accepted by the The Charter of the French language on December 3, 1984. One year later, it was also accepted by the American Heritage Dictionary in the United States. It is now a branch of cryptozoology.
Other websites also talks of Memphré, on Mysteries of Canada, Log Cabin Chronicle and Nessie’s Grotto.
2017/03/04 11:15 Patrick Corcoran said,
good answer Wally, as you I’ve spent my entire summer life enjoying this Lake. Back in the day when Rolf’s marina in Quinn Bay *big timber* sponsored several fishing tournaments we used to go visit early afternoon and wait for the fishermen to return with there prize winner, however no one ever mentioned anything about a serpent, in fact usually a 12-14 lb.a little over 30 inch brown trout would win. All the Trout family would be represented as well. So imagine after 7000 documented dives by Jacques Boisvert (1933-2006) he in fact never witnessed the fabled lake serpent.
2015/09/01 6:59 wally said,
Igrew up on the lake.I fished,which is the best fishing antwhere.Iswam boated and I never saw anything to this nature .
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